Where are my skills in demand?

Number of job listings in US major cities

K. Mitchell

Two questions

Two of the most important questions facing us are:

Where should I live?
what will I do?

These questions are related in that certain industries are focused in specific geographical areas; in the United States, the automobile industry is centered in Detroit, and the oil industry is focused in Texas.

The application

The application is accessible online at the URL below:


To use it, simply enter any keywords that relate to a job of interest and click submit. The application then polls the Indeed.com job board for those keywords and show the number of current job listings in the 24 largest United States metropolitan areas.

The application also provides an option to select the radius around the city so that opportunities in the city's suburbs can be included in the search.


So, for example, if you within a 10 mile radius of Memphis for data scientist jobs, you find that there are only:

## [1] "160"

Whereas, if you look within the same radius of Seattle, there are currently quite a few more!

## [1] "2419"

So if you want to find a job as a data scientist, you're better off in Seattle, because Seattle has approximately

    as.integer(SeattleResults) %/% as.integer(MemphisResults)
## [1] 15

times as many data science jobs!

The Data (References)

The 24 largest United States metropolitan areas were selected based on the U.S. 2010 census.

The data on job listings is obtained via the API provided by Indeed.com, arguably the world's largest job board, combining results from thousands of websites.
jobs by Indeed job search